As your options for holiday gifts get slimmer and slimmer, so do the GOP candidates for president. In fact, as they weed themselves out of this political circus that is obtaining their party's nomination, it may become clearer as to why voting Republican is not the way to go in 2012.

The reason these candidates are not attractive candidates for "leader of the free world" is based on their ability to understand the bigger issues facing America, how they comport themselves in political (or presidential settings) and their general lack of knowledge.
Below are a few frightening facts about these aspiring presidents:
Michelle Bachmann
The reason these candidates are not attractive candidates for "leader of the free world" is based on their ability to understand the bigger issues facing America, how they comport themselves in political (or presidential settings) and their general lack of knowledge.
Below are a few frightening facts about these aspiring presidents:
Michelle Bachmann
- 55, Tea Party "darling", made famous by her many gaffes (Don't confuse her with the historical facts...)
Newt Gingrich
- 68, ousted as Speaker of the House, wants to protect the sanctity of marriage yet has been married 3 times and settled a divorce with a former spouse on her hospital bed (How's that for 'sacred'?)
Jon Hunstman
- 51, no skeletons in his closet other than the fact that he dropped out of high school (but later earned his G.E.D.) and is friends with the Chinese (VP). (No word yet on whether or not he ever inhaled...)
Ron Paul
- 76, has been nicknamed "Dr. No" which settles his likelihood of being a pragmatic leader and has a foreign policy of "non-intervention" despite the fact that globalization is proving to be a contributing flattener of the world.
Rick Perry
- 61, named his hunting lodge something racially offensive (not to mention morally reprehensible) and said that human rights for gays are not in America's best interests.
Mitt Romney
- 64, needs to learn his American geography and when to admit that his ideas are just as good as Obama's when it comes to healthcare.
Rick Santorum
- 53, criticized Obama for disclosing bin Laden's death too soon adding that it was a "national security failure" and believes that the passing of gay marriage would cause the U.S. to fail. (Kinda makes you wonder his take on the economic situation, right?)
On top of all this, some candidates don't understand the separation of church and state while others simply don't understand moral obligations. Furthermore, candidates should be checking their facts because Americans are smart and we know what's good for us.
(Hint: Demonizing our relationship with Israel doesn't make the list...)
Speaking of lists, what are your thoughts on the presidential candidates so far? Leave us a comment below and we'll promptly respond! (Mostly because there are no press secretaries to wrangle with!)
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